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Flash Fiction Workshop - H. Clare Callow

  • Emporium Creative Hub 25 Mitchell Street Bendigo Australia (map)

In this two-hour workshop, writer H. Clare Callow will take participants through a definition and brief history of Flash Fiction, traverse some flash classics, introduce you to the key components of creating your own wordy treats and challenge you to create two-sentence horror, six-word stories and beyond.

All workshop participants will then be invited to write a 250 word flash fiction piece responding to the theme of the 2023 Bendigo Writers Festival - 'Such is Life'. You will have 4 weeks after the workshop to craft your draft before receiving individual feedback on your work from H. Clare Callow

Once you've finalised your piece, there will also be the opportunity for selected works to be displayed in shop front displays across Bendigo CBD during the Bendigo Writer’s Festival, plus all submissions will be displayed in an online reading gallery on Emporium Creative Hub’s website.

Places are limited so register now to ensure your spot in this free workshop.

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