Conflux Bite Size - Blunt Agency
Blunt Agency Presents... Tomorrow’s Designer
Design is a relation between form and function. During this session we explore what remains the same, what’s changing and how this influences the designer of tomorrow.
Conflux Bite Size features accomplished creatives from across the creative spectrum, providing inspiration while connecting over lunch.
Conflux Bite Size - David Haberfeld
Armed with a variety of synthesisers, David Haberfeld will be bringing the beats and a whole lot more to Conflux Bite Size with a live performance followed by a presentation and deep dive into his unique, fearless and absolutely in the moment approach to creativity and making.
Conflux Bite Size features accomplished creatives from across the creative spectrum, providing inspiration while connecting over lunch.
Conflux Bite Size - Neil Triffett
The importance of side projects: Join Neil Triffett as he explores the many side projects that have led him down multiple creative rabbit warrens - such as the one little path that lead him to the production of feature film 'EMO The Musical'. While some of Neil's side projects have been short-lived and "dead ends" others have led to interesting new ideas, important areas of enquiry and bigger projects. Neil will share a slew of real-life side projects, some which went places, some which didn't, to discuss how the 'small' projects can be such an integral part of your practice.
Conflux Bite Size - Toby Benador
Toby Benador, Creative Director of Just Another Agency was an absolute crowd favourite at Conflux Bendigo 2022 and we are excited to have them join us to talk "'Tips, Tricks and Handy Hints' all things collaboration, how to enable partnerships and build relationships, tips and tricks to get noticed and how to advance your creative career'.
Conflux Bite Size features accomplished creatives from across the creative spectrum, providing inspiration while connecting over lunch.